
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Way Longer Than Probably...

Way Longer Than Probably...

There is something uniquely special about women to men. Something indescribable, yet beautiful, and worth fighting for.

Recently, I asked a friend of mine about a young lady I knew he was interested in. Blushing, he said, "Yeah, we hung out the other day. Way longer than probably..." His voice trailed off as he broke eye contact.

"Excuse me?" I thought, waiting for him to continue. "Hello??"

As I watched my friend—momentarily unaware of my existence—stare somewhere between ground and table, lost in thought; I knew I was witnessing evidence of an old truth.

Boys like girls. And that messes them up something fierce.

Men become: Mesmerized. Confused. Uplifted. Damned. Sweetened. Soured. Hopeful. Infuriated. Passionate. Purposeful.


Because they are women, and women intrigue men (when the men are self-actualized and paying attention, of course). True, not all women intrigue each man, but that doesn't actually mean they're not intriguing. Sometimes - although there's not always a rhyme or reason - when a man meets a woman, something gets ahold of him and he's enthralled.


And what is that something?

It's beauty. And every woman has it. But when it shows itself (in mind, body and soul) men know they have to pursue it, even though they they may not know how to do so.

Emotions become tumult. Words become foreign. Ideas of grandeur melt away into difficult-to-verbalize self-expression, incomplete sentences and the thoughts of something absolutely and utterly fascinating.

When you meet a woman and feel this way, there's no telling what is going to happen—except that it will be wonderful.

Covenants built on true, committed love are founded after such whimsy—as are real friendships. So enjoy the process, even if you don't know how to express yourself. That will come with time, and hopefully, you'll have way longer than probably to spend the rest of your life learning how to love her well.

Happily Miserable

Happily Miserable

The Pursuit of Contentment

The Pursuit of Contentment