Why We Love Dancing
I think that everyone loves dancing and I can fairly well prove it. (Cue music)
There is something inherently right about dancing. When, we, humans hear the beat of a song—something in our bodies tugs on us and begs us to respond accordingly. Is that desire biological? Psychological? Theoretical? I don't know...I just know that it is.
That desire exists, and I believe that it is good.
Some people would disagree, claiming they don't like dancing. And maybe they’re right, but in general—I think these people are stubborn...or simply incorrect.
Show me someone who says they don't like dancing—and I'll show you someone who lacks confidence in who they are (afraid they'll look foolish in front of others), someone who has strategically constructed stout defense mechanisms (most likely from other reasons), or someone who likes different styles then they think you are referencing (be it classical, modern, freestyle, etc.).
Why? I don't know. Those things are personal...not really my business. But the fact that those perceived insufficiencies or mechanisms or semantics are there seems true nonetheless.
Because. Everybody. Likes. To. Dance.
It's in our blood.
Our body is one great big collocation of cadences. And when things are right, those cadences come together and we are healthy. Eating nutritious foods, exercising, and keeping mentally challenged assist in that health. Concordantly, when we hear—better yet, feel—a great beat, we desire to coalesce to that cadence.
Throughout history, whole civilizations have centered around celebrations that included music and dancing. Moving their bodies. Moving their souls.
Were the Greeks grinding to "...phys-i-cally fit..."? They weren't. Were Ethiopians jammin' to Gangsta's Paradise? No, of course not.
And that's not really the point. The content of the music is less important than what it sparks inside us.
There is a link between our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual healths. And dancing inspires us, pushes us to positivity, and causes us to be open with ourselves on numerous of those levels—in ways that are clearly, and incalculably, freeing.
So, whether you feel thus inspired to get out there on the floor, or choose to sit on the sidelines—I don't judge you. Because I don't know why it is you're sitting out. Be it tiredness, shyness, don't feel like it at the moment, reminiscing past experiences, whatever. I, quite simply, don't know.
But what I do know is, that if Michael Jackson comes on the radio at the grocery store, every darn person in that store is either moving to the beat, or fighting with all their person not to. That ultimately, letting the dance out of you might be the best thing for you—one way or another.
So, whether you're out-and-about, at home, or jammin' in your car...don't be afraid to allow yourself to feel the beat and let loose. It doesn't matter if it looks good—just that it is.
And that is good.