Ascending Mallorca
Of the Balearic Islands just south of Barcelona, this one is probably the best.
On the 15-year anniversary of when I started climbing, I took a trip with some of my best friends to climb in Mallorca, a beautiful hub of climbing in Europe.
Climbing for me had been an exercise in belief and challenging yourself to do what you don't think you can. It's difficult and fun and poetic all at the same time. Poetic in the sense that it is an art. You move with the wall, touching the holds, as if it were a dance. And everyone's style is different. It is lovely.
Mallorca's climbing was, honestly, unlike any I’d done before in a few lovely ways. Let's talk about them:
Deep Water Soloing
This is best defined by climbing up walls over water without ropes. When you fall…<splash>. It is as wonderful as it sounds. Mallorca is known for its deep water soloing. The island is skirted by perfect rock for this, with the water having washed away the rock closest to the water. This makes the rock face inverted, so falls generally allow you to fall unimpeded toward the water.
Soloing here is incredible. The water is turquoise, shining beautifully up at the tan rock. The grip of the rock is good, but it’s a little sharp, as the salt water has washed away rock abrasively. That’s the only real knock on the rock is it can rip your skin up if you fall in just the wrong way. It’s not bad and it didn’t happen to me, but I’ve seen it happen.
I climbed a route and then swam through a cave with my friends. It was believably amazing.
Coastal Top Roping
Our guide set the rope for our first route on the northeastern most peninsula and the day was like one big warm, bright blur. There was no dissemination between climbing one route and the next, between belaying and lounging around. It was all joy. When you can climb a route high up a mountain on bare rock face and you look out to the sea, all is well.
Tips when going to Mallorca
1. Watch the weather: Understand that you can really only go deep water soloing if the seas are calm. Otherwise, it’s too dangerous for the boats to get up to the rocks.
2. Forage free fruit: When you’re in nature—particularly when you’re hiking, climbing, or taking part in some other activity—consuming nutrients is important! I was floored to learn that the fruit on the small palms (which were everywhere around us) were edible. In fact, they tasted a whole lot like dates! But they were a little leathery. This was favorable to me because it remained in your mouth like chewing gum, slowly letting out the flavor as you climbed.
3. Go: I flew to Mallorca (one way) for a combined cost of $210, (first to Paris). If you can afford it, go adventure on this amazing isle.